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Thorin's Stuff

NOTE TO AUTHOR: Find out if you have a specific object or character you would like to feature at your story events. Purchase or make the prop yourself.
I am not a knitter so I couldn't just whip up a prop to go with my new book. Because my new book encourages not to measure importance by size I thought a measuring tape scarf might do just the trick and get the point across in a fun way, while telling the story. I searched online and found a lovely vendor on Etsy (by Selinaki) who knitted this measuring tape scarf for me.
I ordered canvas book bags from a Printing shop in town called Dream Team Printing. I then downloaded a book cover file into ProCreate on my ipad and added elements such as clouds, hands and feet protruding from the cover. The sky is the limit. Find a print shop near you, and if you don't have creative software - send an image to your local print shop and ask them to develop a design for your book bag.

NOTE FOR AUTHORS: It is a wonderful marketing idea to create your own book bag and fill it with your own books to take with you to work, to events and so on.
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