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Every Once in a Magical Dittle​

Paperback * ebook * audible

When Willow's baby brother arrives everyone is surprised by his size. Willow expected a little brother, not a big one. This delightful rhyming book teaches us that birth order and size don't matter in a family that loves each other. Have fun talking about family, preparing for the next baby, and celebrating each child for who they are.

AUDIBLE When Gran got Sick

THANKS to Kelsey Anne Vokel Studio for producing my audible version.

This little book is a must-have in your library. Everyone has a family member who takes ill and leaves us with precious memories, and questions on how we can process our deep loss and celebrate both our heritage and future. 

I enjoyed narrating this precious gem and writing the music for the background.

"Soft tones and gentle hues of reality and comfort come together to speak to our souls."

When Gran got Sick

Milly's Gran is sick. Milly hears the word Can't-sir and struggles to understand why she is feeling angry and sad. This little book helps children and parents explore some of the emotions and behaviors connected to grief. Milly remembers Gran taught her how to talk to God and tells God about what is happening. Not every grief journey is the same, but Milly's story will encourage both parent and child to ask questions and discuss the topic of loss together.

The Faith Keeper

A Young woman is involved in a life-threatening accident. but her life is mysteriously spared, changing her path forever. Long down the road, her faith is tested by many of life's struggles and trials. She is challenged by Romans 13:11, to 'wake up from her slumber'. Through prayer, she is able to surrender once again to her Lord and Savior, who has always been faithful. Cindy Palin, composer and author of The Faith Keeper was a *FINALIST in the Word Guild of Canada WORD AWARDS 2016/2017.

To Willow's House for Tea: A novel by Cindy Palin
Willows Lullaby: A novel by Cindy Palin

To Willow's House for Tea

Willow FaceTimes her Grammy and invites her over for tea. But Grammy can't come and Willow wonders why. So Grammy has an idea. Just how far will she go to get to her granddaughter's house for tea, and who will help bring her there? Cindy, author and composer of To Willow's House for Tea was a *FINALIST in the Word Guild of Canada WORD AWARDS 2019/2020.

Willow's Lullaby

While rocking her granddaughter to sleep for the first time, Cindy realizes the words people speak and sing over their children have a lasting impact. "What if I could do more than just soothe little Willow to sleep with a lullaby?" she wondered. "What if I could pray a song over her, for the very hand of God to impart faith and fruit and peace for her future?" In this touching and heartwarming book, Cindy invites you to personalize this lullaby for your own children and grandchildren.

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