Going on a holiday is all about finding rest – an internal rest. But even in those moments of almost complete abandonment, there is reflection.
-The joy in the sweet reunion with family and friends, and in the celebration of new and beautiful surroundings.
-The peace in the departure from focused routines and checklists.
-The opportunity to meditate on character, and relationships, and ample room for prayers of thanksgiving, for all the good God has done and continues to do.
There is space for questions, and re-evaluations about the place you are planted.
It would be absurd to think each time one bends towards the sun (a new destination), that one’s roots be moved as well.
Knowing we are rooted in God where ever we go is a holiday in itself.

After having had the privilege to sit in some SBS Bible classes at the YWAM base in Maroochydore, QLD, Australia, and witness their example – I’ve been challenged to learn more (Hebrews 5:12-13).
Is it to be accomplished here where we have settled into familiar soil? Are their ears to hear? Is their evidence of fruit? Does God have a new work for us here, or a work for us in a new field? Does God have a fresh wind, and refining fire for exactly where we are?
1 Peter 2:2 “like new born babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.”