While walking to a meeting this morning my thoughts drifted to a relative who seems to have traded the faith of her youth (in Christ Jesus), for the moon and the stars. I’m not sure what happened. I think of the verse in Galatians 5:7b “…who cut in on your to keep you from obeying the truth?”
I’m reminded of history, where Israel was rescued from the Egyptians by the hand of God, and in a short span of time – were complaining about the desert and worshipping idols.
Why is it some will be rescued and seek to know their rescuer deeper, while others will be rescued and tire of His faithfulness? I believe God can give us the gift of faith, a desire to seek Him more. As I get older I thank him for his mercy, and pray that I will not wander off after some pretty, empty thing…..

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The Pretty Things
Vs 1. You can sway, you can swoon, you can stare at the moon
but I know the one who hung it for you.
Can’t you hear him calling for you now?
But it’s all about the pretty things, the sound of your voice analyzing.
Your heroes wear capes, and the cross is passe – hey,
I’ll take Jesus any day.
Vs 2. You can gaze at the stars, read your horoscope charts
but I know the one who knew your birthday
long before your parents said hello.
But it’s all about the pretty things, your ideas advancing.
Let your heroes parade, there’s no room for a grave, hey,
I’ll take Jesus anyway.
Chorus: When tradition falls hard, and contrition fades
I will not be alarmed, He predicted today
When the moon waxes cold and your magic is frayed
Lay your pretty things down and pray.
Vs 3. You can question the truth, you can trust in your youth
but I know that somewhere in the middle
everyone plays second fiddle soon.
Well I highly doubt the pretty things, it’s all about the meaning,
and the life that He gave when the stone rolled away, hey,
I’ll take Jesus any day.
©Cindy Palin, September 29th, 2017
Scriptures you may want to read: Mark 13, Colossians 2:6-9