song story - week seven

A global catastrophe has levelled the playing field. At this time in history we all are feeling weaker than ever before, at varying degrees for sure, but it is definitely there. That gnawing feeling that not everything is right as rain anymore. For some the answer to their pain and isolation is to find blame with those in leadership. Others have found their comfort in escaping into the world of Hallmark, where "I just want you to be happy" eases the ache for a milli-second. And to top it all off, it is Christmas time, and for the sake of our family, friends and neighbours we keep our distance hoping a vaccine curbs the danger and the loss.
The way this Christmas season is shaping up, we will all have more time to think. Even more dangerous than thinking is the act of remembering. For so many Christmases I focused on the way it use to be. As I got older I realized the way it use to be wasn't as great as I thought it was. Once my parents divorced the reality of Christmas became very clear. This was around the time I wrote "Christmas Hope", and decided to make an album of songs for those who really knew what life at Christmas time looked like. Even your parents can let you down.
"I am weaker than most - He came to a manger"
We are all weak, and that is why God chose to come to a manger in the form of a baby. There is no one smaller, more vulnerable, or weaker than a baby. So if you are feeling sorry for yourself, don't. We're weak.....He's been there.
"I am broken to the bone - He was pierced for a stranger"
If you are feeling broken - guess what? We all are. There is no such thing as 'no regrets'. Somewhere along the way we made a wrong turn and hurt ourselves. Some of you got up and tried again. Some of you kept falling, but got up and tried again. Some of you are needing someone to come along and pick you up. No matter what you've broken, Jesus understands. He took the wounds and filth of us all - on the cross. So if you are feeling sorry for yourself, don't. We're all broken - and believe me, He knows what it feels like.
"The past has left his mark..."
We all have scars. Jesus does too. Some of them aren't necessarily marks on our skin. Some of them just show up when we attempt a smile, or a conversation. Some scars glow in the dark and make people more vulnerable to being victimized again. If you are trying to hide your scars - don't. Deal with them. Be honest with yourself. Find a friend you can trust and stop keeping secrets. Jesus knows all about them, and as soon as you speak them out loud the strangle hold your past is suffocating you with, will release through the power of His truth. Now that's a Christmas present!
"But Christmas heals the heart with memories of a Child who offers HOPE"
This is the Christmas Story. The Christ child grew up to be our Saviour. Only He can heal the heart. A healed heart can go on to experience living like never before, and share the news that this life is available to everyone, if you want it. He is our hope. He is our joy! He gives us reason to live! There is purpose, and meaning to life, right now where you and I are sitting.
This Christmas think on, dwell on, and remember the Christmas Story, and then live!
"Hope is the child, Hope is His love
covering a multitude of memories
that will never measure up."
Surely He took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered Him stricken by God, struck down and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.…(Isaiah 53:4-6 Study Bible)
Christmas Hope - title track of Christmas Hope Album
available for download under the Album tab
Photo by Jametlene Reskpy