Seems like a strange day to consider a man’s freedom and life, but any day is the right day to stand and sing for justice. Today is the day to celebrate life!
It always amazes me how we applaud those who steal life away, simply by saying their name. We glorify murder by telling their stories in cheap recreations and call it entertainment. We are pulled by our death (sin) nature into more death. We perpetuate violence by normalizing it in our culture.
Today let us make a concentrated effort to celebrate life, and mention names of people who were victims, but the true heroes of our time.
Today I want to remember Mr. Bigley. I never knew him, but our family, along with many others around the world, prayed for his release and safety. Sadly He was killed in 2004, and the world mourned together.
Part of my prayer time on behalf of Mr. Bigley, found me writing a song. Songwriting for me is a process of seeking for God’s truth in all circumstances. My children and I sang Mr. Bigley’s song one November morning, on our radio station in small town Olds, Alberta. We wanted to celebrate life and remember him.

I think of Matthew 10:28, where we are reminded not to be afraid of those who can kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.
As I write about Mr. Bigley, I am reminded of a journalist we prayed for back in 2002 – Daniel Pearl. His widow Mariane Pearl wrote the memoir “A Mighty Heart” which was later made into a movie by the same name. An award winning documentary is also available for viewing, as well as a published book by family, which records the world’s response to Daniel’s death. Something I would like to participate in the future is “Daniel Pearl’s World Music Days”. You can read more about it at this link: Daniel Pearl World Music Days
Recently one of my daughter’s asked me to send her Mr. Bigley’s song, and I would like to share it with you as well. Today is [clickandtweet handle=”” hashtag=”” related=”” layout=”” position=””]a good day to celebrate life, to stand and sing for justice.[/clickandtweet]